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Welcome to the Golf Demo, specially designed for newcomers and beginners. This portion of our E-commerce event on July 11 is the perfect opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the game of golf in a fun, friendly, and supportive environment.

The Golf Demo begins at 13.30 and will run until 16.00, giving you plenty of time to get acquainted with the game. No previous experience or skill is required. This is all about learning and enjoying your first steps into the world of golf.

To kick things off, you’ll receive a basic introduction to golf, covering essential aspects of the game such as rules, etiquette, and techniques. Experienced players will be on hand to offer demonstrations and answer any questions you may have. We encourage you to watch, listen, and participate as much as you’re comfortable with.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn and practice a variety of golf techniques, including grip, stance, swing, and more. We believe that hands-on practice is the best way to learn, so don’t hesitate to pick up a club and give it a swing. Remember, everyone is here to learn and have fun, so there’s no need to feel nervous or pressured.

Safety is our top priority, so we’ll be sure to cover safety rules and guidance during the demo. Golf can be enjoyed safely as long as all participants respect the rules and each other.

The Golf Demo is not just about learning to play golf. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to meet other newcomers, share experiences, and build connections. When the demonstration concludes, we invite you to stay for the Golf Tournament and later, the Afterparty & Networking event starting at 19.00. Here, you can relax, chat, and share your experiences with other attendees.

We’re excited to provide this unique opportunity for newcomers to experience the game of golf. See you on the green!


E-commerce Golf 2023


Klubi tee 4, Manniva, 74217 Harju maakond

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